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CMU Art & Design Department announces fourth annual Artober Festival and community art interactive

Grand Junction – Five hundred students, teachers and art enthusiasts from around western Colorado will converge at Colorado Mesa University on Thursday, October 18, 2018 as part of the CMU Department of Art and Design annual Artober Fest.

Occurring on the Delta activity field, attendees will engage in pouring molten steel, making pottery, rolling casts and many additional art exhibitions. The public is encouraged to join CMU’s art and design department alongside valley high school and middle school students.

“From sidewalk chalk contests and graphitic wall competitions to caricature artists and print-making exhibits -hands-on art experiences are offered for local students and the public and to all who want to learn more about being an artist,” said Suzie Garner, the department chair at CMU.

Among one of the favorite festival attractions is a large print-making guild demonstration made possible by Elam Construction. The company donates a smooth drum roller each year for the event. Elam believes the unlikely use of highway construction equipment in an art demonstration makes for a fun contrast and is what art is all about. 

Colorado Mesa University’s art and design department previously received a $500,000 endowment for scholarships in part because of the community outreach done each year by faculty and students. Since the endowment the department has opened a downtown art gallery, issued multiple scholarships and continues bringing nationally renowned artists to Grand Junction through the CMU downtown gallery.

Meghan Bissonnette, Assistant Professor of Art History and the CMU Art Gallery Director believes that Artober is an incredible opportunity for the university and students and for enriching the art culture in western Colorado.

 “The most vibrant economies and communities in our nation are those with thriving creative districts and art communities. Artober is a way to engage with local area students and potential future artists by providing opportunity to learn about art,” said Bissonnette. “Art can be about expressing yourself while having fun and Artober is a chance for people of all ages and experience to make art in a way that appeals to them. There is truly something for everyone at Artober.”                                                                                                    

Special demonstrations are available for members of the media. Students, sponsors and community members should visit for more details and event information.
